

Panel discussion: Sexual violence as a weapon of Genocide to Collective Responsability – Aalborg

tirsdag 26. nov. 2024
Kl. 14:00

From Testimonies of Sexual Violence as a Weapon of Genocide to Collective Responsibility: The Role of Civil Society and Universities Join us on the 26th of November from 14-17 (CET) at Aalborg University for an important discussion on the intersections of sexual violence, human rights violation and collective responsibility.

The event will be held at Aalborg University in Auditorium 1.104, Kroghstræde 3.

For those not in Aalborg, online participation is also available.

Register here https://forms.office.com/e/j5AWTLrDDD

In the first part of our event, we are honored to welcome Khadeja, a Palestinian human rights activist and International Advocacy Officer at Miftah, alongside Bara’a, a recently released female prisoner. Khadeja will address the use of sexual violence as a weapon of genocide in Palestine, while Bara’a will share her personal experience in Israeli prison and the conditions faced by Palestinian female prisoners.

The second part of the event will shift our focus to broader human rights violations and our collective responsibilities. Annette, Policy Advisor at Amnesty International Denmark, will present Amnesty International’s documentation on human rights violations in Gaza and their ongoing court case in Denmark regarding arms export to Israel. Following this, Michelle Pace, Professor of Global Studies at Roskilde University, will talk about the role of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in advocating for justice and the importance of academic boycotts as a form of civil action directed at Israeli colonial practices and its Western supporters.

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