Aarhus N


Demonstration at AU in support of academic boycott

torsdag 12. sep. 2024
Kl. 11:30

Join us on September 12th at 11:30, and show your support for the demands of the academic boycott of Israeli institutions and complicit companies.

We will meet at Nobelparken (N, Jens Chr. Skous Vej, 8200 Aarhus) and walk to the administration building together. We will not be silenced; We will not be ignored; and we will no longer allow Aarhus University to be complicit in genocide. Not in our name.

You do not need to be a student or employee at Aarhus University to show your support. No matter where you are from our your background, we need your support!

In the days leading up to the meeting we will share our demands in more detail, and our reasons for making them. If you want to further support the demands, go to https://academicsforpalestine.dk/sign/ and sign the petition.

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